At InvestSite you will find information on how to make investments based on fundamental analysis. Initially, we will have information on shares of publicly traded Brazilian companies listed on B3 (the new name for BM&FBovespa).
We believe that there are already many sources of information on share prices and their behavior, but at the same time very few sources of long-term information and efficient visualization of the operational performance of companies.
Information on share prices is easily found on the internet (including real-time visualization), and is usually provided free of charge by the various stock brokerage firms that serve those who buy and sell shares via home broker.
The main sources of information on the operational performance of companies are the companies themselves, usually through their investor relations websites, and B3 through its website for investors, section “Empresas Listadas”. We recommend that anyone interested in buying shares as a long-term investment and who has already chosen their candidate shares/companies for investment consult these two sources in depth. However, for investors who still need to choose which companies to deepen their knowledge of and do not have full-time dedication to the process, it is often unfeasible and/or inefficient to look at information on around 500 different companies in order to reach a conclusion. Even if we consider that the investor restricts his choice to companies that are part of an index, such as those that are part of the Ibovespa or the IBrX-50, looking at 50 or 60 companies in detail can be a time-consuming process.Our goal is to help those who make long-term investments by providing information in a format and time history that makes this selection process less inefficient and/or time-consuming. To this end, whenever possible we will also present the information graphically or through tools, to facilitate visualization, referring to the longest period of time that we have available in the database. This obviously means that for companies that have recently IPOed, the track record will not be as long as that of companies that have been listed for a longer period of time.
The InvestSite will evolve over time, both in terms of the scope of investments and the type of information presented. In this way, we hope to facilitate the selection and analysis process for all people interested in long-term investments.
Thank you for your visit!